We want to pray for you: Post your prayer as a comment in the blog post below, Email us at prayer@miamifriendschurch.org, Text/Call us at 786.309.8196.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Thank you for visiting this blog. We want to pray for you. Below please post your prayer requests by clicking on comment below.

Our prayer team will:
1) Pray daily on their own for those prayers found below.
2) All pray weekly together via conference call.

Please remember to visit often and post what miraculous answers God has provided to your prayers.

You can also reach us via email at prayer@miamifriendschurch.org or text or call us at 786.309.8196.

To join our prayer team please contact us here.


  1. Please pray for our launch of the new English service, on September 1st.

  2. I was told of a young man 24 years old that was Baker Acted yesterday after a suicide attempt. This kid needs lots of prayers from everyone... I will not post his name but CL are his initials. He is lost and has not found the ultimate source of joy,,, our Lord and Savior. As Jesus said in Matthew 11:28... "Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.." NLT

  3. I would very much appreciate your prayers for my 8 month old daughter who I hope overcomes the eating difficulties/reflux that has bothered her these past couple of months so that she can thrive and grow. I pray that her aversion for solid foods goes away. Thank you all for your prayers. My heart goes out to all who ask for God's help.

  4. Just found out my mother has a pituitary gland tumor. Would like power of prayer to help us and her through this time. If we can pray for a complete healing of this tumor and show the power that god has when we all pray like children with innocent hearts wishing the best for the loved ones.

  5. I ask for prayer for my teenage daughte. She's going through a hard time in her life and I pray that the Lord delivers her from her pain, that she counts Him and only Him worthy. That she stops trying to do things on her own and depends more on Him..

  6. I pray for a family friend named Alina. She is doing all the tests for a kidney transplant today. Jesus we pray that they find a compatible donor and that she is miraculously healed. Lord nothing is impossible with you Lord, please heal her and give their family peace and strength. I pray that they turn the healing miracle back to you and that you are magnified and glorified.

  7. How great and awesome our God is.. The God that created the heavens and the earth.. who was and is and is yet to come... I pray for the families, I pray for deliverance from heartache. I pray that the Lord reveals himself to all of us.. that the blinders are lifted and that we may see his splendor and glory. I pray that His healing hands touch each and everysingle person, from the baby to the rest. I ask for the Lord to guide our lives and for us to surrender to His will.

  8. I want to pray for a friend that has a cyst and a polyp. Lord I pray that you completely remove them and no surgery is required, that you do a miracle and that you completely heal her. And Lord if that is in your will and that if this is in your will that you bless her with a child. Time and time again you have done miracles with those that are barren. Lord we have faith you can do anything. We submit to your plans. I pray you give her and her husband strength and peace through this time. There is hidden treasure in our struggles.

    Also want to pray for a family member that has cancer lord. Lord please heal her and reveal yourself to her. Give strength to the family through this time, we can't do it without you. You are the ultimate doctor and healer. Doctors can say one thing, but you have the ultimate say.

  9. May the Lord hear your prayers and may His will be done. You are right in saying that He is the ultimate doctor. We pray for your friend and we pray for your family member. One of God's promises spoken by Paul in "Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.
    I know in our limited view of things we tend to focus on the bad and the immediate circumstances, but God is all knowing and Good, and although we may never understand He is always by our side.. I pray for peace and complete comfort for your family and friend, that they may seek and find the Lord and most importantly that they trust in His goodness.

  10. Lord, I pray for the family of Christian Aguilar, I pray and call onto you that you may deliver his family of the pain and desparation they must feel not knowing where he is and suspecting the worse. We know you know where he is, we know and are confident that you are in control in the midst of this tragedy. We don't see what you see, Lord, we only see that at this moment 2 families have been broken, the Bravo family is also going through their own trial because their son is being accused of the unthinkable and the Aguilar family is also being tested being the victim. I call onto you Lord, you can do whatever you will, you can return this kid to his father with life, and they will welcome him in whatever condition he may be found in . I pray Lord, that it is your will and your will only for you to spare the life of Christian Aguilar, Lord I am consumed with pain and agony thinking of what they are going through, and I pray Lord, creator of the heavens and the earth, that it may be your will to deliver them from this pain. I also pray for their comfort and peace that they may know that you are in complete control, Lord let your will be done, and let us not wonder or doubt for one second that you are far away. Scripture says that you use all bad things for the good of those that call onto to you... I heard that people have called on you and have surrendered their lives to you because of this trial.. I glorify you and I praise you for the redemption of those souls, and I pray and ask for you to also work in the heart of Bravo to confess you as Lord and saviour so that he may find rest and forgiveness for what he may have done. I also pray for the Salvation of Christian Aguilar. I don't know what his relationship is with you Lord.. but I do pray that you have mercy and compasion on his family.. not for their sake but for your name sake and glory... amen

  11. Lord, convict us of your power... we are a sinless world full of doubt and discouragement... but you said in the scriptures that if we ask you will give, and if we knock you will open doors.. well, we are knocking with our fists in the air and asking with our VOICES and HANDS lifted for the healing of Claudia Batista... Lord you can do what ever you want.. you are the creator of the world,,, and nothing and no one has authority to do anything, without your permission... we are praying Lord for you to deliver Claudia from the grips of death... not for our sake or the sake of even Claudia,,, or her husband and family,, NO Lord we ask for healing so everyone will know and see that you alone are GOD that you are ALIVE and you can heal, you do deliver in faith whatever is asked in accordance to your will.. let Claudia be a testimony of the the power of your Love,,, use her to show the world.. that you are in complete control of all and that you do love us.... let us shout in praise in one voice, that you are GOD and that you are awesome in power... all these things we ask in accordance to your will... let not our voices and our pleading go in vain.. you came to heal the sick and you came to deliver the sinners of their sin... Claudia needs deliverance of the cancer spirit that has taken claim of her body.. Lord, we are confident and faithful, that if you will it, that spirit will leave her body and she will pick up her mat and walk in one instant... Lord reclaim her for yourself... reclaim her and let the Holy Spirit take control of her body.. for the scriptures say where there is light, dark can not EXIST... Lord,... for your name sake for the world to know you are alive and strong and have not forgotten this ungrateful people... we ask and pray these things in JESUS, precious name....AMEN...
